Latest News

- 05/10/2017 - See the final conference program
- 05/10/2017 - Click here to get the proceedings!
- 27/09/2017 - Conference proceedings are freely available to ECC attendees at Springer
- 04/09/2017 - Conference venue will be in the hotel ILUNION Málaga
- 21/07/2017 - Camera Ready deadline July 30th, at least one author must register before July 27th
- 18/07/2017 - Registration is now available here
- 20/06/2017 - Final deadline extension for paper submission: June 30th
- 25/05/2017 - NEW deadline for paper submission: June 20th
- 13/03/2017 - See our dates and come to Malaga!

Call for Papers

Aims and Scope

ECC 2017 hosted by Immersion Co., Ltd is the fourth Euro-China Conference on Intelligent Data Analysis and Applications. The aim of this conference is to provide an internationally respected forum for scientific research in the broad area of intelligent data analysis, computational intelligences, signal processing, and all associated applications of AIs. We sincerely invite submissions of papers presenting high-quality original research and development related to following topics.

So, we encourage research contributions in the following domains (not excluding others):


- Machine Learning
- Information Hiding
- Knowledge-based Systems
- Intelligent Applications
- Information Retrieval and Integration
- Intelligent Control
- Databases and Data Mining
- Modeling and Visualization
- Signal Analysis and Visualization
- Signal Mining and Data Fusion
- Multimedia Sensing and Sensory Systems
- Watermarking
- Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
- Signal control (Wired & Wireless)
- Computational Intelligence
- Granular Computing
- Bioinformatics
- Robotics and Control
- Fuzzy Systems
- Agents
- Social Networking
- Web Intelligence
- Cloud Computing
- E-Learning
- Expert Systems


We publish in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC, Springer) and this will be the format of articles in this conference.